Thursday, August 7, 2014

Seven Day Water Fast (Day 5)

We found our dog!  So happy that he was uninjured.  He was picked up a few blocks from our house by an animal control officer.  Don't even ask how much it costed to get him out, ugh.
Zeus' Shelter Photo

You know how they say that when you're on a fast, after 3 or 4 days you're not hungry anymore?  Well that is a big fat lie.  I have to make food for kids and my husband and it's driving me flippin' crazy!  I want to eat so bad, but I know if I actually did break down and eat meat it would mess my stomach up pretty bad.  Sometimes I feel so hungry I get nauseous.  It's more mental hunger than physical hunger though.  I think my mouth just misses food.  Still craving Top Ramen too :-(.

The first day after my fast it's best to eat watermelon so I'm going to buy a big one tomorrow.  I'll also be drinking green juice.  I was kind of disappointed when I stepped on the scale this morning.  I only lost 1 lb since yesterday.  That is a total of 7 lbs in 4 days.  I'm hoping to lose a total of more than 10 lbs when I step on the scale on Sunday morning.

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