Here is the bird. It came out very good. Mom and I made all the food, of course.
Here is our spread. Even though our kitchen is being remodeled, it was a great dinner.
Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, candied yams, green bean casserole, home made cranberry sauce, salad, and pumpkin cheesecake... Mmm

Eliseo and Nina Mari playing on Saturday morning.

Eliseo giving Nina a kiss good bye.

Nina and Nino with Eliseo and Ariel

Vito and Ariel

Eliseo giving his baby sister a ride in his Jeep

Vito giving Ariel her first driving lesson.
She loves it!
what fun!!
Yeah. Wish you would've been there, but we'll have a blast at Magic Mountain in a few weeks... Yay!
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