The gifts were cute, mostly yellow since we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl.
I got little wash cloths, towels, onesies, and a few other items.
The theme was Noah's Ark. We had chicken, beans and rice, and Paula made cupcakes.

The table was cute with candy and little animals (that Eliseo is playing with now).
Thanks girls, it was great!
Wow, that is awesome. You have nice co-workers. But how come they were all women?
My office is mostly women. The only men are one of the owners (other 3 owners are women), the IT guy on the 1st floor, and the HR guy. So yeah, not many guys at work.
What a great place to work...lots of caring ladies! That was soooo sweet. I love that cupcake thingy. I saw it in a magazine. Very cute!
It's almost time to pop!!!
Yeah, nice folks.
When you visit next weekend, don't be surprised when you see me all big and stuff. 5 weeks to go!
Is this the same work place I went to or a different place? They are niceto give you such a cool shower.
Yes, this is the same place that you went to. The Medical Director you met (Dr. Marciano) took a job somewhere else so we have a new Director... sad to see him go :-(
Wow, Pata!! They did a great job!!!
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