We went to the Fitness Expo today
at the Los Angeles Convention Center
Here is Carlos with Jay Cutler
Jay won Mr. Olympia in 2006 & 2007

Here I am with my daughter and Jay.
I think Ariel is saying, "Who the rip is this lumpy dude?".
Jay said he was 10 lbs at birth and asked if Ariel was that big...
Uhh, no Jay, she was just over 7 lbs. thank God.

Here I am with Cathy LeFrancois.
She won Ms. Olympia in 2000 & 2003
Very cool chic!

Here is Carlos with Dexter Jackson
He won Mr. Olympia in 2008

Here is Carlos with Brandon Curry
He is a Professional Body Builder

Eliseo liked this car, but when Carlos took his picture he got camera shy.